Monday, June 18, 2007

Poor Xiami...... she will need a surgery for her eyes

Today, sister and I bought Xiami to the vet because of her teary strain on the corner of her eyes. She had those cloudy eyes all along since she was recused from ECP. We always thought that Xiami eye was mainly an infection. Today when the vet saw her, she said that xiami actually got eyelashes growing internally inside her cornea. Thus, this make xiami very uncomfortable. The only way to cure her is by comestic surgery. The vet told us to find a vet that is more experienced in eye surgery. If xiami is not cure or if we delay the treatment, her eye will be more infected and she may ended up losing a whole eyeball. Poor gal.

When xiami was found and taken to the vet from ECP, the vet NURSE told sister that xiami had a eye infection. The cause was not told so all along, we thought it was just a case of eye infection. Never did we know it was so serious.

We will be bring xiami to the vet that is better at eye on Wednesday. We are worried about the expected high vet cost.
Sister had put a buster collar on xiami but xiami had know how to remove the whole collar. We will need to put it more tight if necessary.

Updated: Wed, 20 June

Sister and I had just bought xiami to the vet Called 'Animal Clinic (Katong). The vet is a very experienced guy. When he saw xiami, he pulled her out himself and examined her. He gave us two option for xiami -

one is she can be given a surgery to close up the side of her eyelid and pulled up the eyelid.

Second is to just remove the eyelashes at the side of xiami's eyes that are giving her discomfort.

The vet said that option 1 is better since xiami is still a young cat. Xiami will be seheduled for surgery this coming Friday.

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