Monday, March 10, 2008

Lazy Blogger Me & My cats

Jennifer say:

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I am rather lazy nowaday in blogging. Firstly, i had too lazy to take any photos of my community cats. Secondly, i am lazy to upload pictures of my home cats as the blogger keep hanging whenever i tried to upload photos - picasa is not working well also.

Anyway so here is a boring update of my community cats without any photos:

1) Mimi has migrated to another block across the road from his usual hiding place. We took 1 and a half month before we found his new hideout.

2) There are 3 newly abandaned cats near mimi hideout - xiaguo ( a ginger male sterilized last year), silly ah gong (gong as in silly in hokkein - another ginger male same age as xiaguo and lastly a brown tabby male. Xiaguo and ah gong are hanging to each other so far while the third male cat is always M.I.A but still around.

3) Wang zia had serious ringworm problem but that silly boy now refused to come to find us. We also do not know how to apply the medicine that sister had bought for him when wangzai refused to come near us now.

4) Ginger and PaPa are now two fat, round ginger cats.

5) Koala has a younger son. A 3 months old kitten that hang around with him. Koala is quite sweet when his 'son' play war game with him - Koala not only do not mind his son biting him, he also allow his 'son' to hang him by his claws.

6) Fake NaNa is still around very near to mimi hideout. We just found out yesterday that there is something wrong with nana one eye as it is not diluted in the dark as like normal cats. But he is still walking very normally.

7) Seaweed is another beautiful female cat is a good friend of mimi.

8) Ringring still appear near the nearby park sometimes. She is a rare ginger girl with a meow similar to my sweetie.

I had not seen baby, xiaobai and cubby cubby for quite long time as i had not went near their hideout near the carpark in the park.

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