Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The King of the Cats.... In ur House, who is the KING?

Ma Ling Shu(MLS) with tongue sticking out (BOO!!), Big black, whitie

Bao Bei - The King in the room

MLS taking a short break for her eyes

Beautiful Coco looking very elegant

Sister went to V's house to see his cats. V told sister that in every cat colony, there is always a king.

We then decided that sweetie is the queen of our cat family.
This is decided from a number of reason why Sweetie deserved to be Mother Queen and Not Princess DD.

1) Whenever Sweetie is on my bed, none of the cats dare to jump on the same bed. That is why Poor Ah DU always sleep elsewhere now.

2) When sweetie give her majestic roar, none of the cats dare to come near her. This is esp when i am feeding her dry food

3) When sweetie flash her 'Come near and i will bite' evil look at the other cats, the others are alway smart enought not to go near her

4) Sweetie sleep whatever place she likes - including xiami's sleeping place. Xiami used to sleep on sister's desk until sweetie decided to claim this area as her own. BTW, sweetie and xiami are arch enemies(Do visit this website, it give a number of cat words). Both cannot stand each other - xiami will hiss at sweetie and sweetie will chase xiami

So why Princess DD do not had the honour of being the queen of the batch, a princess is also very good anyway. Here is why:

1) Friendly to any cats. will hiss at them but only for a short while. A queen seldom love every cats.

2) Get bully by sweetie very often - i had seen sweetie chasing DD all over the house. Poor DD ended up with a 'bush bush' tail.

3) Alway sleeping next to the toilet. We had called her 'toilet auntie' where we need to pay her 10 cents to use our toilet. (HA!!!). Do a queen ever sleep next to the toilet?

4) Allow us to hug her like a baby.
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