Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day 3 - Ming hua yuan - 17/7/09呂洞賓(二鬥-斜頭風)

Jennifer say:


Today performance was very good. I loved the story plot very much.

The storyline was as follow:

Lu Dongbin, the head of 8 immoral received instuction from Jade Eemperor to go to moral world to do good deed.
Meanwhile in the moral world, wu was a rascal whom do nothing all days but create trouble. He loved a lady from the chow family, named chow yuxian.

The chow family, head, chow wenhao was a very nice person whom often do good deeds. However, Wenhao had a son, chow xiaolui( whom was very ill at a young age with illness commonly known as 斜頭風. The chow tried all means but cannot cure their son.

Chow Wenhao and his wife are both kind hearted by nature and had done many good deeds for their town poor

In the street, Chow Yuxian was out to buy herb for xiaolui when she meet wu. Wu tried to force yuxian to become his wife. Yuxian ran and met their local servant, shuangyi. Shuangyi saved Yuxian. Yuxian then expresed her love for yi

Wu(The guy in centre position) tried to force Yuxian to become his wife

Yi, the Chow servant was also in the street and managed to save Yuxian. Yi is casted by MingHuaYuan Xiao Sheng, Chen Shao Xiang.

Meanwhile, Lu dongbin heard about wenhao good deed. Dongbin decided to test Wenhao by disguisting as a begger. Wenhao and Yi was out in street issuing free food for the poor.
At the street, Chow instructed Yi to issue free rice for the poor
When the begger whom was dongbin arrived, yi informed the begger that food were all issued out. Wenhao on hearing that the begger had not eaten for 3 days invited the begger to his house for free food. In his house, the begger tested Wenhao patience by commeting that the food was not good enough. Wenhao gave the begger money and asked the begger to buy himself food that he liked.
The begger whom was Dongbin in disguise tested Wenhao
The begger then revealed that actually he was a immoral in disguise, he asked the chow family to guess his real identity. Yuxian guessed that the begger was "Zhu ba jie - piggy", Wenhao wife guessed he was "Da Mo". The begger then gave a hint by using his necklace to create a '8', saying that this was his surname. Clever yi guess the word to be lu as there was two 'mouth'. and yi guess the begger was Lu DongBin.

Lu DongBin(The one wearing orange clothing) revealed his true look and Wenhao and his family were very happy to see an immoral

Wenhao then requested Dongbin to cure his son, xiaolui. Dongbin upon seeing xiaolui relised that he was processed by a spirit. Dongbin requested the spirit to show the real identity. The female ghost appeared and revealed that she was in chow's son for revenge because of three generation's bad deed. The female ghost then revealed how the past 3 generation had murdered her. The first generation chow was a pirate whom murdered her husband and her. The second generation was a cruel magistrate whom take upon seeing the woman's beauty wanted to have her as his wife. The woman rejected him whom later murdered her. The third generation, chow was a loanshark. The woman known as Lin Yueqiu was a poor farmer. Her dad borrowed money from chow whom demanded a higher rate of money in return. When the dad cannot paid, chow asked the dad to give him his daughter. Chow's guy forced yueqiu to come with him. When the dad tried to save her daughter, chow stabbed him and killed him. Yueqiu upon seeing this scene, knocked her head on the wall and died.

Dongbin then informed yueqiu that she could come to claim xiaolui life on the seven day. Dongbin informd Wenhao that the ghost would come on the 7 day. Yi then scolded Dongbin that only jigong can save his master and dongbin was very heartless. Dongbing then left in fury. Yi informed Wenhao that only Jigong can save the young master. Yi left the house to look for Jigong.

Outside the street, a begger wanted Yi to give him more money. When yi pushed the begger, the begger knocked against a stone and fall and died. Evil Wu saw and informed the magistrate whom said that only if the begger had family to sue, he will arrested Yi. Wu informed the mastistare that the begger was his long lost uncle. Jigong appeared suddenly and returend teh begger to life. The magistrate then instructed the begger to return to Wu House as wu claimed he was his uncle. Jigong helped teh poor begger to look for a rich relative to live his after life.

Yi thanked jigong for help but did not known Jigong was the man he was looking for. Meanwhile Dongbin want to Jigong temple and asked the greedy monk to give jigong dog meat and wine for 3 days. Jigong arrived at his temple. When Yi arrived 3 days later, he realised the man he saw on the street was Jigong. Yi asked jigong to save his master. Jigong said that only Yi himself can saved his young master. Jigong gave Yi his own clothing and asked Yi to wear. Yi wore the clothing and left the temple.

Arriving at Chow house, Yueqiu had already wanted to claim xiaolui life when Yi arrived. Yueqiu thought that yi was jigong and left. Jigong arrived and went to find yueqiu. Jigong asked Yueqiu to go for her afterlife and promised to help Yueqiu be reborn. Yueqiu then agreed. Jigong then cured Xiaolui of his illness.

Dongbin upon hearing that xiaolui was cured was furious. He fought with Jigong. Both fought in heaven when the heavenly soldiers also hide from them. They fought in hell where the 10 lords were also beaten.

The chow family were in happy ending. Yi married Yuxian and Yi become a court officer. Chow family live in peace even after.


Yi and Yuxian marriage

Yi become a court officer and married Yixian


Happy Ending


The Whole cast giving audience a final bow for attending this performance.

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