Friday, April 23, 2010

Getai Performance @ Blk 564 AMK, 22.04.10 农历3月9日, Event: 保生庙 Temple Celebration, Host: Lee Pei Fen, Qi Xuan, Band: 飞航 - 精义舞台秀

Jennifer say:


22.04.10 (Thu) 农历3月9日 - Today Went to my old house area AMK Blk 564 to watch Getai. Long time never went to AMK.. It is like 3 years ago since i left my old workplace at the primary school near AMK Blk 564. And more than 10 years since i moved house from AMK B564 to my current home at Serangoon North. Since I had moved house, my old resident area had changed a lot - lot of upgrade here and there. I wonder whether the old resident cats are doing well.

I am actually very sad at today getai. Just learnt that a grey cat that i frequently play with at the AMK central area may be a victim of abuse - the xin ming newspaper show a brown large tabby that was throw down the flat at AMK Blk 713. Sister had sms me that the cat may be grey KK. Not in a good mood while watching yesterday getai althought it was good one.

My FB status today @ 11 plus: 善有善报,恶有恶报,要是不报,时候未到! 那个在 AMK Blk 713 杀死grey KK( Grey Cat) 的 恶人, 你要保佑报应是在自己身上, 要不然就是在下一代的身上。You Cat Murderer ... Curse u....

I strongly believe in retribution. If retribution did not happen to oneself, it will result in bad karma for the next generation. Curse u....

The area is not very crowded today so lot of empty chairs. There are many getais today - with two in AMK B159 and B564.

Xiao Ting

Wei Lun


Bao En

Bao En with hosts

Xiao Xin

Chen Si Ting - l like her deep voice, very sexy voice


Last singer Zhu Li Li

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