Sunday, September 13, 2009

Getai performance at AMK Blk 527 and Blk 577 - Lunar 6 July 24 - 12/9/2009

Jennifer say:


Tonight mum and I went to AMk to watch Getai. This is the first and last night of this year as we had only managed to watch 1 performance or two getai performance at both AMK location.

We went to Blk 577 to watch 皓皓 and 许琼芳. I am starting to like 皓皓 performance esp after watching him sing 十二神歌 and 男人情女人心 . Strangly when Hao hao was on live TV on 综艺Go Live, i did not really enjoy his performance. I think being a Chinese performance sort of ruin the whole performance for a hokkien performance artist like hao hao. It is just like singing chinese words in a Hokkein gezaixi.

Hao Hao special talent is his ability to sing both male and female voice.

This is the vidoe from Stomp where hao hao won the award for best performer for foreign talent at 牛车水中央舞台 - 佛牙寺后面主办单位.

Hao Hao is from taiwan. Heard tonight that he had been singing for NTUC club.

Tonight he had sing "one night in Beijing", i really love his performance.Maybe i should said this that i only watch him sing this song before i left for Blk 527 performance hosted by 600. But i like how he connected with his audience by moving to all areas of the stage, even the audience opposite the road he had greeted them, so charming.

I got this video of Hao Hao singing this song, Hao hao is dressed as a woman in this getai performance - he is equally good as a woman, in fact many of his getai had him being cast as a female:

北京一夜 - normal dressing

It's pity that i did not get my digital camera with me becoz when the show ended and the crowd disappeared at 11 plus, Hao hao was still around taking photo with two of his fans. Really regret not taking my camera with me now. Can see him real close and unblocked somemore, can even move close to take photos with him somemore. Aiya.

BTW, i only listen to Hao hao sing one song and other two singers(李宝恩 and 黄志强 whom can also sing in two voice) before mum and i went to Blk 527 to watch 600 performance. Ok, standard wise, 600 is stil as good but i prefer hao hao now ler. We thought of seeing to see if hao hao sell his CDs so we walked back to Blk 577 where i saw Haohao was still around. Aiya, regret ler.

Updated: 13/9/09: Read the newspaper that Hao Hao is in trouble for casting as a female role that is too sexy. So sad, Male artist as female is quite common in getai performance like the late Lin Li had casted as female before. Aiya, why this year getai performers got so many trouble, first is the yaya and now is Hao Hao.

Anyway Hao Hao is having a concert on 02/01/2010. Details are as follow:


皓皓本名”程世文”,从十三岁开始了他的歌唱事业。他在1996 年 一项台湾(八大电视台)亞洲之星爭霸戰的大型歌唱比赛中過關斬將15關,赢得了冠军宝座,也因此开始踏入了歌坛,在台湾各大西餐廳演唱,成了一名職業歌手。



2007年五月,在穿针引线之下,皓皓受邀踏入新加坡职总俱乐部的最新一间分店 " 红馆 " ,这也使他事业創造了另一個高峰。他不怕辛苦,入乡随俗,把自己的节目表演方式重整,来适应本地的观众。

2008 年2月,受邀与本地著名艺人,”搞笑至尊”林利的演唱会担任特别嘉宾,他俩志同道合也因此合集了一张搞笑VCD,也同时交出了傲人的成绩单。为人谦虚'有禮貌更让他闯出了一番成功的光明路。


2009年,举办了一场非常成功的首次个人演唱会,更担任八频道的综艺GO LIVE的节目嘉宾。以及受邀在97.2和100.3的电台访问。


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