Sunday, August 12, 2012

Getai Performanace @ 7030 AMK Northstar 12/08/2012 农历6月25日 event: 实笼岗北协灵坛 host: Hao Hao - First Half only, Xu Qiong Fang,Band: 威乐斯, 荣华歌台

Jennifer say:

12/08/2012 农历6月25日 (Sun):

Tonight we are extremely early. After dinner at Serangoon North Blk 504, we walked to the getai area and arrived at 655pm. And we stayed till 11pm.

We had stay quite late tonight. Otherwise, i think when xianhong come up, we will have left. Acutally i was doing video recording for Tianyue, otherwise mum will have asked me to go home. I had finally record his 'rojak' songs. Actually GTqueen and Meiling had record his songs before but i never really went into the video to listen. When i do video recording and watch getai myself, i find that i seldom go and listen to other ppl videos on youtube.

This is the video i took: If you noticed, the last part did not end properly. It was too long, over 12 min where i am holding the camcorder by hand. Secondly, mum was getting restless, can felt her staring at me and 'scolding' me for tooking so long to record songs.Nice song, love this. I only shared this song in his fb group. I think hearing is in the ears of the beholders so should be shared only to ppl whom truly appreciate his songs.

Singer: 天悦

Today Hao Hao only hosted 1 half of the show as there was a mix up over his hosting schedule. Nevertheless, i enjoyed tonight getai to the max. Today singers lists are excellent.

Photobucket Tonight getai area. Next year, 协灵坛 will be celebrating their event in usual place at Blk 153 Serangoon North. Good choice coz tonight the crowd turnout is rather pathetic. First reason is tonight there are too many getais around Singapore. Second, Northstar is not easy to find.

Photobucket Hosts. Hao Hao will be hosting second part of the show at Yishun. My friend in FB asked if i will follow but NO. I chase nearby places to watch only. No Jurong, no singers chasing.

Photobucket Kai Lin

Photobucket Name TBC. I forgot his name. I got his name in one of my entries.

Photobucket Wu Pei Zhi

Photobucket Lu Fei from Shanghai. She had a extremely sweet voice that sound like Deng Li Jun. She is not bad.

Photobucket Liu Xin Ling, another wonderful singer with good vocal. I had record two of her songs. One of them i had uploaded into youtube.
Photobucket 林诗玲

Photobucket Chow bin Shun. I did not know that he is the singing teacher for Ting Ting and PeiZhi till Qiong Fang asked him. Wow, 名师出高徒

Photobucket Cai Yu Tong, quite nice voice.

Photobucket Xian Hong

Last singer whom turned up at the last hour is Tian Yue. He rushed down after his hosting elsewhere.

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