Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Lizard Hunters

Sweetie: What is that moving on the floor? Look like my toy

Sweetie: Let me try to press it, opps, it can move.. DD, come here to play with this new living toy
Sweetie: See how i press it
DD: disgusting cat
DD: looked what you had done, it is dead....
Sweetie: *with a fake guilty look* i did not do anything.....

Poor lizards - DD had killed two lizards and sweetie had killed 1 lizard. Mum had took sweetie and DD to wash their paws after their lizard hunt. DD had also pulled off a cockroach's legs in my room, i found three gross legs on the floor when i mopped my floor. I cannot found the cockroach, wonder where it was gone.

The last time when i found a baby cockroach, DD played with it and pressed it till it died and then DD swallowed the cockroach... it is not that i had not feed DD, DD is just greedy and playful.... Posted by Picasa

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