Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Heroes In the Hard Shell

Jennifer say:

Yes..it Nijia Turtles..i got two nijia turtle...hamie look like their master..hee...used to have 3 terapins but one landed in rainbow bridge... My ah-bob and Lizzie.... the other in rainbow bridge is named feifei..a v good tempered male terrapin..bob and lizzie are both females..when feifei cross the bridge, bob is a widow.... can see tha bob is quiet after feifei leave her...poor bob

i got bob from my uncle..that time bob is alreadi big not like lizzie and feifei that is as small as a 50 cent coin onli...

Bob is now v v big... she stil the same. i have bob for nearly 10 years or more..i cannot recall the years but it definitely more than 6 years..lizzie is younger..i got her before i move in our new flat in SN..so lizzie abt 7 years...

Strangly, though bob is a widow, she do not like lizzie at all..she scared of lizzie in fact...but take note of the fact that both are female..u do not wan lesian effect..HEE... but i though they be good companies for each other...but since both of scared of their own species..they live in their own basin..yeah..those basin u used for bathin babies or wash clothes...

they are definitely easily to take care of than hamsters and cat.. hamsters require constant petting.... and cat..constant attention seeker... but terrapins are v quiet..as long as they got food and fresh water, they look happi... but one bad thin is their shell is v dirty esp lizzie..lizzie dislike any form of scrabbin and so her shell is like dirt pavement but i make it a point to clean her shell with a big brush once a week or twice a week.

bob and Lizzie use to be our sole pets where we took them out for small walk..when they pee , it back home...but since i have hamsters, i seldom took them out... sort of neglected them but i always feed them and clean them, esp changin their water..so i think i doin my part as a RESPONSIBLE pet owner..yeah..dun ever have terrapin as ur pet if u dislikke commitment or u plan to dump them like litter into the wild once they grow as big as bob....

i like bob shell better..very like turtle shaped but lizzie shell look like wrong layering of cerment that out of shape... guess this is our fault as we did not shade her shell when she still a baby...yah..shape like ur plant... petin and holdin it constanlty help to give it a prefect shell...

I love their eyes in the dark..so big and round like sweetie... i guess animals are related in some way...terrapins have cat big eyes, hamsters can use terrapins shell as a horse..(i used to put hamham that more obedient on bob shell for a walk), sweetie love to sit around bob n lizzie area..duno if sweetie lookin at them but as long as she not notty, i will leave her alone)....

Every New year eve, i feed bob n lizzie early dinner and change them fresh water before the big day 1 arrive...yah..i never change this tradition..this year, i feed hamsters their corn sticks on NY eve as a treat..for sweetie, duno..anyway good..Yipee..goin to take sweetie out on NY...duno if she behave herself

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