Saturday, October 24, 2009

24/10/2009 皓皓”親近我” 歌友會 at Jest D’ Place, Chua Chu Kang Center third floor

Jennifer say:


24/10: - Today is the offical opening of Hao Hao Fan Club. It is an honour to attend this special event. I really enjoyed myself very much although i did not really get that close to hao hao. Nevertheless, the small talk he make is very memorable. Just learnt his birthday is at 13th of November.

Hao Hao also talk more about himself for eg, how his dad was ill for 15 years lying in the bed, how his mum taught him to accept negetive review from audience, how he is trying hard to learn English, How he can remember faces but not English Name, how he is very grateful to Wang Lei for introducing him to Getai.

The start of the show was songs sung by 'Black Cats'. Very cool performance. After that is Hao Hao performance and games. I was chating with fellow Hao Hao Fan, Meiling that i am sort of melt in the dark. I did not scream nor yell, i just support and admire in silent by taking photos.

Hmm, i think i did not leave any deep impression on Hao Hao. I was sitting behind the DJ area. A auntie with difficulty in walking was sitting next to me was a super fan, Hao Hao can still remember her. And the auntie had a good PR --- wanting to talk to Bao Bei Jie Mei and shake hands with Black Cats as they left the area.

The only regret i felt is i did not really get close to Hao Hao as i am full of excuses. So many chances yet i just sit down in silent, ha...............................but i am happy within my small heart....

Chance 1: games for me - i think i will freeze in the stage.Or become dumb founded

Chance 2: Rushing to the stage for QnA - i am no match for those super high-power aunties whom stand right in the front waiting for the correct movement.

Chance 3: Asking Qns to Hao Hao - hmm, nothing i need to know really, just want to admire in silent.

Chance 4: Buying the $10 calendar with Hao Hao and me - for me much as i liked Hao Hao, i really did not see any need to buy the calender. I rather spend more on other events for eg if Hao Hao organise a short trip to Malaysia, i may consider.

Chance 5: wait for Hao Hao to reappear after the show ended at 5.10pm - since i did not buy the calender, i think Hao hao will not be that free to entertain me too esp when the other audience of those whom bought the calender wanted his autograph on the calender too. And I got nothing to ask him to sign..... Can only ask him to take photos with me but cannot wait for so long for the crowd to lessen as i need to rush to my relative birthday buffet at Hougang today also.

**sob sob**i really want a photograph with him........ but i had taken a photo with him before also ler, but it is just today is a special day meh so special day must have special photo too but nevermind... lot of chances in future. And i suddenly felt like my cat DD - very warm at home, go out shy shy one. But once get to know more of me, become a super chatterbox.

The stage

The audience


The day Emcree - beautiful sisters Bao Bei Jie Mei






Black Cats Performance




The offical Fan Club for Hao Hao begin 24/10/2009 - 2.58 pm - this is the time shown on my digital camara.


Hao Hao with Black Cats

Hao Hao with Bao Bei Jie mei


Hao Hao showing his appreciation to Aaron Tan, Boss of Lex Entertainment Productions.



Hao Hao singing.

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